To hasło tegorocznego Betlejemskiego Światła Pokoju. Jest już ono w polskiej parafii Matki Boskiej Częstochowskiej w Sterling Heights, Michigan, a konkretnie u harcerek i harcerzy.

Harcmistrzyni Teresa Wiącek, dzisiaj, podczas spotkania ze św. Mikołajem dostarczyła Światło.
Polish Scouting Organization of Michigan – Obwód ZHP Michigan przekazując Święty Płomień z Betlejem pragnie podzielić się tym darem z innymi, by czynić pokój w życiu i by przeżyć Święta Bożego Narodzenia w pokoju oraz dawać nadzieję tym, którzy doświadczają jego braku.

Dziękujemy dh. Tereso!
The Peace Light, symbolic of the Light of Christ especially evident at Christmas, promotes peace, harmony, and unity among all people of the world – every race, ethnicity, and creed. For several decades, the Scouts and others around the world have actively promoted global peace and harmony through sharing the Peace Light.
The Peace Light from Bethlehem campaign was originally organized in 1986 by ORF, the Austrian Broadcasting Company, as part of a large charitable relief mission Light into Darkness, for children in need in Austria and abroad. Since 1986, and especially after the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe in 1989, there has been a growing cooperation between Scouts in many countries allowing the light to travel throughout 30 European nations.
For more than 1,000 years, oil lamps have continuously burned at the grotto at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Each year, safety permitting, a child from Upper Austria travels as a pilgrim to obtain the flame. During the Third Week of Advent, a Service of Dedication is held in Vienna, Austria to share the Light with Scouting delegations from across Europe. Scouts return to their own countries and with a message of peace, share the Light with churches, hospitals, retirement homes, and places of public, cultural and political importance – to anyone who appreciates the significance of the gift.
“The Light of Friendship & Peace” was first introduced to the United States in 2000.
Today, in cooperation with Austrian Scouts and Austrian Airlines, the Peace Light makes its long journey from Bethlehem to Tel Aviv to Vienna and finally safely across the Atlantic Ocean to New York City.
From there the Peace Light is shared by hundreds of Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and others throughout North America. From Ann Arbor to Sterling Heights!