To było w marcu 2020 – plakaty dla pracowników w Ascension St. John szpital na 7 mili i Ascension szpital na 12 mili i Hoover. Akcja hufca harcerek Ziemia Rodzinna
Przyjecie nowej harcerki do zastępu ‘JASKÓŁKI’ w ubiegłym październiku.
Zbiórki zuchów gromady Białe Orlęta i harcerzy odbywają się co tydzień w Sterling Heights i Hamtramck. Gromada zuchów mają zbiorki w parku naprzeciwko parafii Matki Bożej Częstochowej. Zuchy są prowadzę przez druha Dominka Malysa, ćwik, pod opieka druhów Grzegorz Wojtowicz, pHm. i druha Tomka Cybart, pHm. 22 Męska Drużyna Harcerska im. Mikołaja Kopernika jest prowadzona przez druha Jacob Skowron, ćwik pod opieka druha Aleksandra Czabańskiego, Hm. 28 Męska Drużyna Harcerska im. I Dywizji Pancernej Generała Mączka jest prowadzona przez druha Daniela Dulak, H.O. pod opieka druha Piotra Skorupki, Hm.
Druh Piotr Lisiecki, Hm i druh Aleksander Czabański, Hm. pomagają w szkoleniu wędrowników. Rok temu wszyscy druhowie którzy teraz są aktywni prowadzili zbiórki przez internet prawie do końca czerwca.
The day was grand, the weather stellar and the woods teamed with spring noises, scents, and scenery.
The day began with drill exercise or musztra where boys were sporting their uniforms full of badges on their arms. Badges of various accomplishments are a source of pride to a nine-year-old who with his own abilities demonstrated, for instance, the art of snow games.
Games abounded and contained the aspects of learning. The theme of this day was a life of a Slav that roamed the ancient lands of Central Europe millennials ago. Thus, boys got to track a deer. This required following the tracks of (an earlier prepared) footprints of an animal. The clues were painted with bright paint and to accomplish the goal, boys followed a complicated trail that required climbs, and descends, some negotiations with thickets and foliage, just like the ancient Slavs would do. And the boys, succeeding, ended up in a clearing where a board with the face of a stag was waiting. With ancient tools of stones, ahem, tennis balls, ancient hunters proceeded to aim and capture the deer.
A unique experience was afforded to each boy to use a flintstone to light a fire. Under Hufiec Kresy scout leaders, the ancient hunters were provided an opportunity to use this tool. Few succeeded. The unique exercise kept the boys captivated and engaged.
One other equally interesting exercise that consumed a better part of the day was a game of archery. Under the watchful eye leaders, hunters one by one, aimed and shot some arrows with their bows. The boys did well.
Białowieża, a place shared by Polish Scouts, both girls, and boys, provides an excellent alternative to smartphones and game consoles. The woods afford visitors solitude and an escape from daily toils even if they include second-grade math. Of course, there is the “Stanica” or a building, where among other places, a kitchen staffed with excellent cooks called moms, provides attendants with meals. For a nine-year-old soul that just cornered an animal through the thickets, who used its weary hands to strike up a strike that lit dry leaves, there is nothing as important as a good meal. That meal comes from no other place than Stanica kitchen. And so the boys ate hearty lunches and the meal was consumed outside, and hardly a plate was left not empty.
The important part of the day was an exam to gain Cub Scout stars. Stars are awarded based on a knowledge of certain aspects of a well-raised individual. Questions include topics on religion, and Polish history and culture. Boys are required to answer questions in the Polish language and that brings up the important point.
It is intended for staff and participants to try to use their native tongue, which is the Polish language. The day at Białowierza, or a week or two, is a convenient extension of the evening Polish classes that many boys and girls attend. The day did end on a rewarding note. The summit of the day was an official ending of the scout year. The final roll call was performed. The boys stood in a straight line, from the tallest to the shortest. Stars were awarded, badges were handed out, some boys were singled out for special achievements.
Bialowieza was left for the next group full of energy, Girl Scouts. Polish community hopes that this place will serve much more youth of Polish descent for years to come. Be ready.
Zuchy z metropolii Detroit miały szansę tego maja przebyć dzień w Białowieży w Michigan. Była to okazja spędzenia dnia na polanie, wśród drzew, przy rzece. Chłopcy mieli dzień wypełniony grami, zabawami i konkretnym ruchem na powietrzu i było to ich ostatnie spotkanie sezonu. Białowieski las zapewnia odwiedzającym ciszę oraz ucieczkę od codziennych stresów chociaż by takich jak matematyka drugiej klasy. Kilkunastu uczestników wycieczki miało szansę tropić jelenia, wskrzeszać ogień za pomocą krzemienia oraz strzelać z łuku. Finałowa zbiórka przed stanicą oferowała chłopcom ubranie się w mundury i pochwalić się zdobytymi wcześniej odznaczeniami naszytymi na ramieniu. Dzień był przyjemny. Kilka mam przygotowało w Białowieskiej kuchni w stanicy dania. Białowieża pozostała oczekując kolejnej pełnej energii grupy. Polonia ma nadzieję że w nadchodzących latach, miejsce to będzie służyło na wiele podobnych kolejnych wypadów w naturę.