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Seventeenth annual opłatek of the WSDPAS took place at Saint Colette catholic church, Livonia, Mi.
This year West Side Detroit Polish American Society honored SS. Peter & Paul Catholic Church in Warrendale and St. Barbara Catholic Church in Dearborn on their 100th anniversaries!
Congratulations to the Polish Alliance Dancers and Gen. Pulaski Polish Language School on their 60th anniversary!

The West Side Detroit Polish American Historical Society was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in February 2006. It exists for the observation, study, appreciation, and preservation of the history of west side Detroit Polonia’s neighborhoods and the Polish-American immigrants who settled and continued to build the community throughout the decades. This includes their descendants and their neighbors, surrounding institutions, businesses, and churches. The society also serves as a repository of historical archives, including artifacts, documents, oral histories, and other significant records relevant to its mission and purposes.

For further information, please contact Ms. Laurie A. Gomulka Palazzolo at 248-477-8518.

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