American Polish Cultural Center 2975 E. Maple Road Troy, MI Friday 10 May 2024 GUEST SPEAKER: Captain Andrew Ladak Former Special Forces A Team Commander
Dyżur odbędzie się w: American Polish Cultural Center, 2975 E. Maple Rd.. Troy, 48083 Michiga Na dyżur paszportowy obowiązują wcześniejsze zapisy telefoniczne. Zapisy będą prowadzone w dniach 23-24 kwietnia 2024...
The Polish Day Parade “The Roast” of this year "Grand Marshal”- Doug Podell, Detroit Radio Legend.
More info on the flyer
The Zoom meeting will be held on Saturday, June 15 at 2 pm, and requires advance registration. Presented by Therese Leszcz. See the flyer for all the details.
The West Site Detroit Polish American Historical Society invites everybody to commemoration and grave marker blessing in honor of World War I Polish American U.S. Army Veteran Joseph Frank Bigos....
The West Site Detroit Polish American Historical Society invites members, family& friends to its Twelfth Annual Summer Social Event. ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 2024, 1:30 – 3:15 P.M. “Seems to...
The Polish Day Parade celebrates Polish Heritage and is organized by the Polish Day Parade Committee of the Polish American Congress, Michigan Division. This year’s Polish Day Parade Grand Marshal...