Save the date: Polish American Congress Anniversary Banquet
American Polish Cultural Center 2975 E. Maple Road, TroySunday, March 9 Polish American Congress 80th Anniversary Banquet At the American Polish Cultural Center, Troy
Sunday, March 9 Polish American Congress 80th Anniversary Banquet At the American Polish Cultural Center, Troy
P.R.C.U.A. Zajączek Dance Ensemble celebrates its 20th anniversary with music, song and dance.
Thursday, March 20, 5:30 – 7 pm 1010 Weiser Hall, U of M, Ann Arbor Annual Copernicus Lecture: The Post-Populist Predicament: On Redemocratization and Rule-of-Law Restoration in Poland since 2023...
CREES Noon Lecture: Women’s Forgotten Revolution: Communism and the Struggle for Emancipation in Post-war Poland AGNIESZKA MROZIK, CCPS Dianne Widzinski Visiting Fellow and associate professor, Institute of Literary Research of...