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By October 19, 2015November 16th, 2022No Comments2 min read

October 9. 2015
Polish American Congress 1612 K Street, N.W.
Number 410 Washington, DC 20006

Dear Friends:
I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the Polish American Congress Tor the incredible work they are doing to help honor and commemorate Polish American Heritage Month.
This is a heritage about family, about values like liberty and equality, and it’s older than America itself. Poles arrived in the first ships to the new world more than 400 years ago. They became some of America’s first skilled workers, and Polish Americans have come to lead some of our Nation’s most important labor unions. They have become scholars of the law and of literature, leaders of business and of entertainment, and stars of sport. We’ve watched *‘Stan the Man” trot the bases, we’ve read stirring accounts of Stalinism from Milosz, and we’ve stood in awe of a man who normalized relations with China while at the same time brokering an historic peace deal at Camp David. These are leaders in every sense of the w ord.
Polish Americans have fought bravely, and many have died, for our country and the freedoms we hold dear. From Kościuszko to Shalikashvili, Pulaski to Krzyżanowski, Polish Americans have lived a legacy of sacrifice and service. Their pride is unmistakable. Their heroism is not only worthy of our notice, but also of our admiration. And we owe them.
The strength of our country lies in the constant refurbishing of its soil with new ideas, new cultures, and new traditions. It is the defining feature of America, and it is the nature of who we are. Thank you for helping us honor our history and our heritage. Keep up the great work.


10.21 Vice President Joe Biden

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