Bernard Orlowski’s life was passed on to God peacefully on June 24, 2021 when he lost his battle to lung cancer.
Bernard was born in Bydgoszcz, Poland on September 14, 1951, and was the beloved son of Henryk Orlowski (deceased) and Janina Orlowska (deceased), and brother of three surviving siblings, Henryka (Orlowska) Kaufka, Waleria Orlowska, and Marysia (Orlowska) Fiskevold.
Without children of his own, Bernard was appointed “fun” wujek (uncle) to five adoring nieces and nephews, Katherine (Kaufka) Walts, Antonio Calimazzo, Regina Kaufka, Gwenia (Fiskevold) Gould, and Morgan Fiskevold, and four great-nieces and nephews, Logan Calimazzo, Luc Calimazzo, Maeve Walts, and Mason Walts.
Bernard loved nature, and his happy place was fishing, especially in Florida and the Keys. He was a positive person, with a smile and laugh for everyone. Bernard enjoyed flirting with beautiful women, and they adored him right back. He experienced both love and loss. He made mistakes, and enjoyed successes. His greatest success was beating addictions and enjoying a healthier chapter of his life before cancer caught up to him.
Bernard always gave his time to help his family and friends unconditionally. His hugs were tight, his jokes prolific, and his heart was huge. He was fearless and free spirited, and his motto was, “I’m strrrrong, like bull!” until the end.
Bernard will be missed and loved by family and friends in the United States and Poland.