Copernicus Exhibitions 550th Jubilee
American Polish Cultural Center 2975 E. Maple Road, Troy, MI,
American Polish Cultural Center 2975 E. Maple Road, Troy, MI,
FEBRUARY 16, 2024, 6PM Join Skomski Family on Friday, February 16th 2024 at the American Polish Cultural Center for a fundraiser. This will be a delicious buffet style Polish dinner...
The Polish Institute invites you to a discussion with Professor Jadwiga Biskupska on February 16th at 6:30 pm on the Lower Level of the Burkacki Academic Center.
At the APCC in Troy. Welcome at 2:30 pm, Installation Ceremony and dinner at 3:15. Reservations required. Please check the details are in the flyer.
Distinguished Lecture by President Zelenskyy's former press secretary Iuliia Mendel on her book "The Fight of Our Lives". Monday, February 19 at 5:30 PM, Rackham Amphitheatre Details @ Wallace...
Happy Birthday Chopin! with Kazimierz Brzozowski, concert pianist
Konsulat Generalny RP w Chicago organizuje w Detroit w stanie Michigan dyżur konsularny w dniach 1 i 2 marca 2024 r. (piątek-sobota). Na dyżur obowiązują wcześniejsze zapisy telefoniczne. Zapisy będą...
Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego zaprasza na tradycyjne "Kaziuki". Sala JPII w parafii Matki Boskiej Częstochowskiej w Sterling Heights, MI Wiecej informacji na ulotce.
Losy rodów Kargulów i Pawlaków przed przesiedleniem z Kresów na Ziemie Odzyskane. Komedia obyczajowa w reżyserji Artura Żmijewskiego. Scenariusz: Andrzej Mularczyk
CES Exhibition. Camera as Passport: The Ship of Photographers Curators: Deborah Dash Moore, Frederick G. L. Huetwell, Professor of History and Professor of Judaic studies, U-M; and Louis Kaplan, Professor...