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Congratulations to Ray Okonski

By September 16, 2021November 12th, 2022One Comment2 min read

Wheelchair Escalator short writeup

Ray Okonski was the named principal inventor on US Patent 10,787,342 B2 titled “WHEELCHAIR LIFT APPARATUS”
The patent was issued on September 29, 2020, and assigned to Ray’s Company, Wheelchair Escalators, LLC.
The development work was done at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Detroit Mercy. Ray’s co-inventors were Drs. Nassif Rayess and Darrell Kleinke of the ME Department along with Chris Sassak, George Taro, and Evan Jeffries. Evan recently graduated with a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.

„ Ray considers himself one of the luckiest people to ever have lived. He started out his career with a very fortunate break, which led to a long and prosperous professional life filled with a lot of wonderful people.”
Ray Okonski is a decorated World War II veteran. He served for 15 months in the 78th division of the American Army. He was wounded in the last battle of the Ludendorff Bridge over the Rhine River in Remagen, Germany. Today he talks about it with a smile on his face.
After service, he studied at the University of Michigan. He graduated from engineering. His master’s degree he got in business. He dealt with business throughout his active professional life, he has already completed many projects. He still continues to work, having always new ideas and being involved in new projects and businesses developments.
As he says: “I have more ideas than I can realize.”

Dear Ray, congratulation on your achievements. Thank you for your big heart. God bless You!

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